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Doctor of Philosophy, 2014, The Voice of the Dragon: The emerging media in the fledgling democracy of Bhutan, Macquarie University  


Certificate of Education, 2018, University of Sydney.


Master of Philosophy, 2008, The Webs We Weave: The poetics of paranoia and the construction of self with reference to postmodernism and Buddhist philosophy, Macquarie University 


Associate Diploma of Journalism, 1984, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology  



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Co-Edited Collections


Avieson, B & Di Lauro, F 2021, Special issue on the Worlds of Wikipedia, (guest editors), New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia, doi: 10.1080/13614568.2021.1950392


Avieson, B, Giles, F & Joseph, S 2019, Still Here: Memoirs of Trauma, Illness and Loss, London: Routledge.


Avieson, B, Giles, F & Joseph, S 2018, Mediating Memory: Tracing the Limits of Memoir, London: Routledge.



Avieson, B 2019 ‘Bhutan’ in D. Merskin & J. G. Golson (eds.), The Sage International Encyclopedia of Mass Media and Society. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.


Avieson, B, Giles, F & Joseph, S 2019 ‘Introduction’ in Avieson, B, Giles, F & Joseph, S 2019, Still Here: Memoirs of Trauma, Illness and Loss, London: Routledge.


Avieson, B 2018 ‘Holding the memories: death, success and the ethics of memoir’ in Avieson, B, Giles F & Joseph, S (eds) Mediating Memory: Tracing the Limits of Memoir, London: Routledge.


Avieson, B, Giles, F & Joseph, S 2018 ‘Introduction’ in Avieson, B, Giles, F & Joseph, S (eds) Mediating Memory: Tracing the Limits of Memoir, London: Routledge.


Avieson, B 2017, ‘History of the Internet in Bhutan’, in G. Goggin & M. McLelland (eds), The Routledge Companion to Global Internet Histories, Routledge, NY.


Avieson, B & Tshering, K 2016, ‘Seduced by Bhutan’s Gross National Happiness’, in N Chitty, L Ji, G Rawnsley & C Hayden (eds), Routledge Handbook on Soft Power, Routledge, NY (chapter commissioned).


Avieson, B 2015, ‘Bhutan turns on the television’, in J Tay, K Iwabuchi & G Turner (eds.), Television Histories in Asia: Issues and Contexts, Routledge, UK.



Journal Articles

Avieson, B 2022 'Two Wikipedias in Bhutan: problems and solutions for knowledge equity in the digital age', Asian Journal of Communication,


Avieson, B 2019 ‘Breaking news on Wikipedia: collaborating, collating and competing’, First Monday, vol. 24 (5), May.


Avieson, B, & McDonald, W 2019, ‘Journalism in Disguise: Standpoint Theory and the Ethics of Gunter Wallraff’s Undercover Immersion, Journalism Practice, DOI: 10.1080/17512786.2019.1596752


McDonald W & Avieson B 2019, ‘Having your Story and Data too: The Australian Colonial Narrative Journalism Database’, Literary Journalism Studies, vol. 11, no. 2.


Avieson, B 2018, ‘Wikipedia as tool for GNH’, Journal of Bhutan Studies, vol. 38, Centre for Bhutan Studies, Thimphu.


Avieson, B & McDonald, W 2017, ‘Dangerous Liaisons: Undercover Journalism, Standpoint Theory and Social Revelation’, Media International Australia, vol 163 (1) pp 137-150.


Avieson, B 2015, ‘From Mani Stones to Twitter: Bhutan Creates a Unique Media Matrix for a 21st Century Democracy’, International Journal of Communication, (9), pp. 2487–2506.


Avieson, B 2014, ‘Creative non-fiction as a third way for cross-cultural research and reporting’, Australian Journalism Review, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 171-182.


McDonald, W & Avieson, B 2014, ‘Against the tide: Alternative voices in colonial Australian writing’, Ethical Space: The International Journal of Communication Ethics, 11 (4), pp. 29-37.


Avieson, B 2008, ‘Writing - A methodology for the new millenium’, TEXT, Vol 12, No. 2.


Other research outputs 

McDonald, W, Avieson, B, Davies, K, 2016-ongoing, Australian Colonial Literary Journalism Database, now under the umbrella of Austlit: Discover Australian Stories ( Online database


Avieson, B 2014, A Story from Bhutan: The Making of Travellers & Magicians, directed and co-written by Eric Blair. Documentary



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